Prgramming with Python

Course Overview

Python Programming

Python is a popular programming language used by system administrators, data scientists, and developers to create web applications, custom Red Hat Ansible Automation modules, perform statistical analysis, and train AI/ML models. This course introduces the Python language and teaches fundamental concepts like control flow, loops, data structures, functions, file I/O, regular expressions, parsing JSON, and debugging. This course is based on Python 3 and RHEL 9.0.


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  • There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Outline

Python Programming

  • An Overview of Python 3
    • Introduction to Python and setting up the developer environment
  • Basic Python Syntax
    • Explore the basic syntax and semantics of Python
  • Language Components
    • Understand the basic control flow features and operators
  • Collections
    • Write programs that manipulate compound data using lists, sets, tuples and dictionaries
  • Functions
    • Decompose your programs into composable functions
  • Modules
    • Organize your code using Modules for flexibility and reuse
  • Classes in Python
    • Explore Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with classes and objects
  • Exceptions
    • Handle runtime errors using Exceptions
  • Input and Output
    • Implement programs that read and write files
  • Data Structures
    • Use advanced data structures like generators and comprehensions to reduce boilerplate code
  • Regular Expressions
    • Use powerful regular expressions to manipulate textual data
  • Parsing JSON
    • Read and write JSON data
  • Debugging
    • Debug Python programs using the Python debugger (pdb)